Friday, June 03, 2005

Safe list marketing still rules:

When it comes to marketing, email marketing remains a viable option for most marketers and among email marketers safe list advertising and membership still reigns supreme. There are thousands of great lists out there and the only sensible way to reach even a fraction of them is through submitters.

Safe list submitters are vehicles for enrolling and posting your ads to hundreds of lists. The best of them have features like auto join, auto validate, auto post and other functions which allow you to manage your subscriptions, clean your mailboxes, post banner ads and etc. The elite have even more "value added" features which go beyond your typical "safe list" membership.

Xtream Marketing Center is among the elite for a number of reasons. 1. They include at no additional cost two each No Bounce Just4uu/XtreamNet email boxes with every subscription. Why two? These days more safe lists are requiring you to validate your contact email. This means that a validation email will be sent not only to your list email address but to your contact address as well: hundreds of them. This means you need to send in the validation program into your contact email address. Your,, netscape, gmail and other web based email services do not support this software, leaving you s.o.l. (sure out of Xnet eliminates this problem by giving you the contact email address. This is at least a $15 mo. value.

2. Rather tying in with reason #1, are the UNLIMITED validations for BOTH email addresses EVERYTIME you need them. The typical onboard validator will only validate ONE email address ONE time. Although you need your contact email address validated as well, the standard submitter validator no can do. Plus, should you run into a problem (happens all the time) and need to re-enroll into lists, forget about re-validation! Xnet eliminates this problem as well as it subscribes to THE VALIDATOR which gives you unlimited validations each and everytime you need it for both email addresses. You can purchase THE VALIDATOR yourself here (which is recommended for submitters not using THE VALIDATOR) for $4.50 monthly.

3. You receive the Massive FFA Submitter included in your membership. This submits to 50,000 boards and 2,000,000 people daily. The closest comperable submitter is at $9.99 per month value.

4. You receive daily leads from $5.00 per month value.

5. Depending on your membership level, you receive up to a full page of adblaster resources. It is difficult to place a fair market value on this benifit.

6. Again, depending on your membership level, you receive upgraded memberships into all the Xtream marketing sites. While difficult to pin down the exact value, it would be at least $50 monthly based off of minimum upgrades at all the marketing sites which include traffic exchanges and safe lists/safeadlists.

7. You receive outstanding member support. Admin is there every step of the way for you. In fact, the first thing you encounter when you log in is text that asks you to "please contact Admin to assist you in setting up your submitter." Once you do, they get you enrolled into the two email addresses and into the lists and then send in THE VALIDATOR for you. They even help monitor your submission reports and advise you as to how to keep your submitter fine tuned and working for you to maximum capacity!

When it comes to marketing, email marketing still reigns supreme. When it comes to email marketing, you need a submitter (or several) to maximize your campaigns. When it comes to Submitters you need the best: and that means XtreamNet Marketing Center.

So when it comes to email marketing, you want a submitter. When it comes to submitters, you want the best and that is

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