Monday, May 30, 2005

A brand new service has just launched for all those who own and promote a website.

A brand new service has just launched for all those who own and promote a website.As is widely known, a website needs people visiting it in order to be of any use at all. Not a lot can be had for free these days, but that is exactly what this new service is - FREE. has just started a Web Search Service, and is offering all those who would like to promote their websites, a FREE and permanent link as it grows its directory.

This is a very valuable tool for promoting websites, as there is an enormous amount of traffic being directed to this new Web Search Service, and anyone who has a link there will benefit from the free traffic too.

For anyone looking for link popularity (a website gets more visitors if it has more links, and the search engines can give you a higher ranking if you have a high number of links) can dramatically increase their chances of getting good qualified traffic, by choosing the best directory and category for their websites.

Very soon there will be an option to purchase a paid text ad, or banner, on the main site...and with those millions of visitors soon to arrive, who doesn't want that kind of free ride?

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