Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's a GO! Just Unveiled :D

Hi guys!

I have VERY exciting news today. After months of
planning and private invitations, they just
released Massive Give-Away TODAY.

I was just speaking with Simon Macharia
(a well-known Internet Marketer), and we both
realized something very important...

...and it has to do with you

You see, most Marketers could be making a lot
more money if they only had more traffic coming
to their website.

and easy access to marketing tools that have
made other marketers work easier, and made them
a lot of money.


Simon Macharia has called in some favors
from whole bunch of top online marketers and
convinced them all to give you TONS of f.ree traffic
to your website, and TONS of online tools at no
cost to you.


You mention it, it's there.

This is by private invitation only to selected marketers
like you:

This lasts 10 days only - the time to get your goodies
is NOW.



Juan Pablo Cangas

P.S. - You may be wondering, "what's the catch?"…well,
there ISN'T one.

This is my way of saying thank you for reading my posts,
and I hope that you will make lots of money
selling and using those products.

P.P.S.: My gift is at spot #15 currently... check it out!
I will try to add some additional gifts by the afternoon
or tomorrow (I don't have much time today).
Here's the URL again. Enjoy :) !

Sunday, September 04, 2005

It takes many parts to make a car a usable vehicle...

Marketing is a PROCESS. It takes time and patience to get results. I have built membership into my own sites to well over 10,000 people by using the EXACT same resources assembled at the Center. This did not happen overnight! I have been marketing my own sites since 7-2004 plodding away using all the resources now found in the XtreamNet Marketing Center at

Two resources I use constantly are:
1. Search Engine Submitters. You need to submit your sites/links monthly to the various se’s. Using a submitter makes good, practical sense. The one currently shown in the members area of the Center submits to 110 engines. When you use it, do use an email you access daily. You will receive emails from the engines that you need to act on.

Another resource I use is MS-6. I have a monthly subscription with the service. It has an auto submit feature that allows me to set up ALL my sites for regular auto submissions. It also has just about the most comprehensive Ffa and classified ad board submission service on the planet. They have a 30 day trial option still I believe. Link to that service also located in the members area.

2. This leads me to Ffa resources. At the Center, there are two basic tools as Ffa marketing is more or less divided into two types: link submission and Pro email services. Let me say that Ffa marketing is somewhat controversial and widely misunderstood. It is hugely popular and widely used in spite of it’s critics. Most criticism comes from those trying to SELL you some other type of service. Having said this, let me also emphasis that Ffa marketing is NOT the end all and be all of marketing venues. It is a TOOL. It is an outlet, another resource and a useful addition to your OVERALL marketing strategy. Center members have access to several Ffa resources and tools starting with:

a. Daily leads. This is through Xtreamffa. Everyday the site is populated with between 2500 - 3000 leads. All Center members receive Pro membership at the Ffa site and can then email those leads once a day doing so via our onboard mailer. Downloading the list is not needed nor recommended. Pro members mail to the list using our mailer and servers. This keeps you protected from isp hassles and s/pam complaints.

a. Ffa posts: It is useful to post your link/s daily to Ffa/classified ad sites. The down side is they roll off quickly and you need to post TO A LOT OF SITES. Ok, you do get return email. The answer for that is simple: use a marketing email address. Links on boards help produce what are called link backs and they do help with search engine rankings. In order to accomplish this effectively you have to post TO A LOT OF SITES. This means using a submitter. Currently Center members have several submitters available to them. All members currently have an Ffa form that submits to 50k boards. Link to that form found in the members area. When using the form to submit to the lists, always use a marketing email account as you will receive lots of return email.

Then, there is also a link to the blastomatic service. This is and it submits to over 2 million sites. You sign up for this one. When you do, use a marketing email like yahoo. Note: members cannot change their email or send to anything besides ‘business.’ Other than this drawback, I really like bom and have used it to market since 2003. It is actually the service which got me started using Ffa/classified ad boards and venues.

Executive and Premium members have an additional Ffa submission form link in their members area called MS-4 and is provided by the MS-6 service.

Please note: it is very bad etiquette to ‘harvest’ email addresses from those who send you their ads off your f.ree posts to Ffa sites. Those people are the Pro board members, most of them who pay for the privilege to send you their emails. Those who belong to Xtream Center pay indirectly as the Ffa service is included in every Center subscription.

In general, do not listen to what 'other’ people say about ffa sites. Most people are sadly misinformed about them, their usefulness and HOW TO USE THEM effectively. I have several articles on the Xtream forum at that addresses ffa's, what they do, how they work, how to use them and etc should you care to do more reading on the subject. I recommend you use them as often as possible as part of your marketing effort. You need all kinds of tools and ffas are just one of them. It takes many parts to make a car a usable vehicle, same with marketing and ffa's are just one part of an effective, useable marketing vehicle