Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Finally, get your ads and emails READ!

SAL, short for SafeAdsList continues to shake things up on the Net! Many new sites are coming on board and members are finding the experience to be both refreshing and exciting.

SAL is refreshing as it is personalized email marketing at its best. Sites are user friendly, easy to navigate. You can read the daily ads quickly, smoothly, and without cluttering up your inbox. You are able to develop a relationship with the Admin/owner. You get to know your fellow members. It is a great change of pace from the highly impersonal world of "mass email marketing."

SAL is exciting because your ads are actually read! By members just like you. Your banners are actually seen. You have the option for solo ads. SAL is easy to promote being new and innovative.

Many sites are offering awesome specials for you to try SAL out. You receive a free upgrade to Pro when you join XtreamSAL. Then, when you post your daily, your receive a free solo ad. First time posters receive a free banner spot with 1000 credits as well.

You can find more information on SAL and other great SAL sites at the homepage . Also, for those who would like a SAL of their own, Debra is running a simply awesome special . You need to hurry on this one as it ends Sunday midnight March 23,2005.

- Cherie Halliday