Saturday, October 29, 2005

Internet Marketing Advice for Work at Home Internet Home Based Business Entrepreneurs | Got Paid Again :D !!

Hey guys, I don't have much time so this is just a short note...

I GOT PAID!!!!!!

(can you tell I'm happy? LOL)

So, do you know who's been paying me like clockwork for the last months?

Well, 12DailyPro of course!!

Guys, if you haven't joined 12DailyPro yet.. may I ask you

¿What the heck is wrong with you?

Really! Do you HATE MONEY? Can't you spare $6, YES JUST 6 BUCKS
and give them a try? Why on earth are you missing out??

They PAY. It's a fact. I've lost count how many times my inbox has
ringed "Stormpay money waiting!" . Gotta love those :)

12% daily for 12 days. 12% referral bonuses. Surf just 12 sites. Paid in 7 business days (usually less). Awesome support. Paying like clockwork since day one. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Join now.. thank me later!

12DailyPro - the easiest way to make money online.. period!

P.S.: I'm working on a BIG project... just remember these 3 words.. before the end of this year it will be all around...


More details soon... stay tuned :)

Master SafeAdlists - Rocking the Foundations of Safelist Advertising

PRESS RELEASE:_Master SafeAdlists - Rocking the Foundations of Safelist Advertising to it's core... Master SafeAdlist is a new generation of Internet Advertising, based on a script named, aptly enough, New Generation which is set to launch 6th November 2005.

Using the original concept of the SafeAdLists, first brought to the Internet by Debra Challinor and her team,
this wonderful program has been completely redesigned, turning it into a cutting edge venue everyone involved in email-style marketing or on-line marketing in general will be excited to own or join.
One of the Top Marketing Venues of the internet today XtreamNet, owned by Cherie Halliday and Kenneth Belz, has already begun massive advertising campaigns encouraging all their members to signup ready for this exciting launch.

These lists have been created to give members the chance to actually get ads read, make sales and receive hits to their sites. At one time safelists did provide this but, being marketers ourselves, we know the influx of Safelist Submitters and Mailbox Cleaners have changed the nature of traditional safe list marketing drastically thus causing little response to hundreds of thousands of ads being sent out daily.

Master SafeAdLists is already creating massive interest in Europe, marketing companies are eagerly awaiting the first release of the product. It is recommended that you order your Master SafeAdlist now in order to be involved with the public launch of the lists as each individually owned site will be listed on the main sales page. Plans also include having the exit page take the member to the consolidated list of all other Master SafeAdlist sites, thus providing easy access to all the venues.

Master SafeAdLists offers a refreshing, new way to market and is the perfect way for ALL Internet marketers, advertisers and users to achieve real results with their email marketing, to once again enjoy advertising on the Internet and start receiving real results from their ad campaigns. GET YOUR ADS READ Guaranteed!!! Heard it all before well then sit back and carry on with unresponsive ads! Or, order YOUR Master SafeAdLists now and be part of the future today.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Internet Marketing Advice for Internet Entrepreneurs | 3 Reasons Why You’re Wasting Money and Time on Advertising If You are Not Publishing a Blog

3 Reasons Why You’re Wasting Money and Time on Advertising
If You are Not Publishing a Blog

by Juan Pablo Cangas

Did you know you are literally giving away money
and time on advertising if you are not publishing a blog?

Nowadays blogs have become very popular for diverse reasons.
For internet home based business entrepreneurs,
blogging represents a great opportunity for increasing
their internet marketing effectiveness and presence.

You should really consider starting a blog to complement
your advertisement efforts.

Here are 3 reasons why you should stop leaving money
on the table and start blogging instead:

• It's the quickest way to build a website
• Blogging expands your marketing reach dramatically
• You can increase delivery rates for your newsletter

• Establishing your web presence in minutes and slowly
but surely building an empire:

Publishing a blog is the easiest, quickest way to establish
an online presence. You don’t even need your own website
to publish a blog (although it’s recommended that you host it
there for SEO reasons).

You can have your own blog up and running in
as little as 5 minutes, using third party services
such as Blogger (

As far as search engines are concerned, blogs are
full-blown websites. And they love them because of the
regularly updated, fresh content they often present.
As time goes by and your posts become to accumulate,
your “website” grows too, without any effort, linking,
or HTML knowledge required from your part.

Soon your blog becomes your little “empire” of content-rich,
interlinked webpages, which search engines keep visiting,
crawling and indexing like crazy, often at various times
during the day.

• Easily and effortlessly expanding your marketing reach:

Here’s a surefire way to spread your advertisement
across the web. Once you have your blog running,
you can easily syndicate your content using RSS feeds.

You can submit your blog and RSS feed URLs to blog
and RSS directories, which are proven means to increase
your online presence besides normal website directories.

Even better, if your content is good, other webmasters
might beging syndicating your blog posts, giving you
effortless free advertising! And your posts can now
be delivered instantly right to your readers’ desktops
if they are subscribing via an RSS reader.

• Giving SPAM filters the finger and
auto-archiving your newsletter:

SPAM filters driving you crazy? Does your newsletter end up
as a delicious snack on filter’s stomachs instead of
client inboxes?

You can now give those nasty SPAM filters the finger forever!
If you publish a newsletter by email, you may consider posting
it at your blog instead, and using your mailing list just to
announce your new issues to your subscribers. This way,
you avoid the SPAM filter issue associated with delivering
your newsletter via email.

At the same time, you are reaching more subscribers,
the ones who have added your blog to their RSS readers,
effectively “killing two birds with one shot”.

In addition to the above, you are naturally building
an archive of your newsletter issues, which get included
in your blog’s archives.

As with any new technologies, you should study the potential
you are missing by not publishing a blog, and compare it
to the extra work blogging would mean for you.

Personally, I think the benefits clearly outweigh the extra work
involved, and I strongly encourage you to start blogging
right now. Blogging is easy, even fun, and it doesn’t take
much time either.

If you are not much of a writer, just try to blog something,
anything, when you feel like it.
When you become consistent with your blogging, you will soon
realize why it’s so important for internet marketers.

Juan Pablo Cangas is a self-taught online entrepreneur.
He specializes in internet marketing & promoting,
copywriting and networking. In his website
(, newsletter
and blog (, Juan Pablo
teaches you how to how to promote and sale online
like a real pro, all the time giving you valuable gifts
just for following his advice! Juan Pablo also shares
his experiences and business opportunities
he is currently involved in, so you can make money too.

You may reprint this article in any way,
provided you don't modify it, and you include
this resource box in your publication.

Monday, October 24, 2005

XtreamNet Marketing Center adds Free to join option

XtreamNet Marketing Center has completely re-organized and added a free membership feature.

Links to all the Xtream marketing venues along with links to Network Partner sites are housed in one convenient location. The Xtream sites include 5 free to join safe lists (all with good sized active memberships), 2 free adblasters (submitting to a large database of safe list contact addresses), 1 SafeAdList with a Master SafeAdList on the way, 3 FFA sites, 4 free to join Traffic Exchanges all feature paid to surf and Investment Surfing and a pay to join Exchange and paid to surf site.

Network Partner sites include a variety of free to join and paid venues including safe lists, traffic, submitters, and a wealth of services. Links to recommended opportunity sites can be found along with a section for accessing Cashflowpc and Vortex.

Members will find easy access links to articles related to online marketing, ventures, and opinions as well as links to useful forums and blogs. Free members also have access to a FFA Blaster.

Upgraded members have access to mega resources and a huge market reach with venues that include:

  • Auto send safe list submitter: hundreds of active lists, over 400,000 active members
  • Unlimited Validations for both email accounts
  • Thousands of daily leads via Pro FFA boards
  • Industrial strength FFA and Search Engine submitters
  • Additional adblasters
  • Software bonuses for Exec and Premium members
All levels of memberships earn commissions. Currently, XtreamNet Marketing is offering annual Premium memberships for only $29.79. StormPay and PayPal accepted.