Friday, October 21, 2005

To surf, or not to surf

I recently read an ad in total bemusement. It was titled “The problem with Traffic Exchanges”. The main complaint was that exchanges expected members to log in and surf once every 30 days and that people with lives couldn’t be expected to do this. Interestingly, he was promoting a surf site in which to get the measly little credits they were giving out free, you had a minimum surf!

Then, to get any more credits you had to - guess what? SURF. No surf, no show. Then, guess what? If you did nothing for 90 days - you are deleted! Lol.

Traffic exchanges are interesting and vital in many ways and important to have in your portfolio. As sites rotate they generate hits and hits translate into activity which the search engines and reporting agencies like Alexa pick up on. Plus, members surf and view your sites. Studies show that people need to see an ad (or site) multiple times before taking action. So, TE’s are good for all this.

Having said this, let me also say that when members (like the misguided one above) do nothing - nothing happens in return. Members do not surf - sites are not rotated. Plain and simple. Sites do not rotate - nothing happens. No activity to your sites, no sites being seen, no sign ups, no sales.
Nada happens when YOU decide to do nothing.

When members decide to do nothing, of course the program owner must assume there is no interest or that the person has left the building. When weighed against members who DO surf, of course the priority is to have that persons site shown. Why show a non-active members sites? Those members are actually leeches: expecting lots of blood to feed on but not giving any in return.

Traffic exchanges don’t expect blood or that you give up your life to surf a few sites once in awhile. You get A LOT for being even a free member. Give back something to the exchange in the way of your time surfing to contribute to the overall health of the program. The return is greater than your input. A great big nothing happens when you do nothing. A lot happens when you DO.

Ps…while I checked the site out the member was promoting, I did not join on gp. I figure any so called traffic exchange that merely stored sites without requiring members to surf was a total waste of my time. Kind of like a safe list comprised solely of members not required to accept or read email from the other members. Lol.

XtreamSurf, PtrSurf, ShopperSurf and PowerPaySurf are celebrating one year in business and have recently added Investment Surf options. GamerSurf is now paid to surf as much as you want.


Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,
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Anonymous said...

To surf, or not to surf was interesting. Someone told me about autosurf program blogs and I have been out there looking all nite. I'm glad I got the chance to check it out. I will be back. Well on with my autosurf program search. Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,
I always like an interesting blog. To surf, or not to surf caught my attention even if I was looking for autosurf monitor blogs. Kind of gets my thoughts moving coming from a different angle about autosurf monitor. Hope to check back every now and then. Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,
I always like an interesting blog. To surf, or not to surf caught my attention even if I was looking for autosurf exchange traffic blogs. Kind of gets my thoughts moving coming from a different angle about autosurf exchange traffic. Hope to check back every now and then. Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

To surf, or not to surf was interesting. Someone told me about autosurf program blogs and I have been out there looking all nite. I'm glad I got the chance to check it out. I will be back. Well on with my autosurf program search. Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,
To surf, or not to surf was a good read. I've been searching for autosurf exchange traffic blogs and came across yours. Even though it was not exact I am always open to new ideas about autosurf exchange traffic in any way I can think of. Have a great day :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Blogger,
I've been out searching for autosurf site blogs for hours and it was nice to have found yours. Just thought I would check out the post To surf, or not to surf and come up with ideas for autosurf site. Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,
I always like an interesting blog. To surf, or not to surf caught my attention even if I was looking for get paid online surf blogs. Kind of gets my thoughts moving coming from a different angle about get paid online surf. Hope to check back every now and then. Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,
I always like an interesting blog. To surf, or not to surf caught my attention even if I was looking for autosurf monitor blogs. Kind of gets my thoughts moving coming from a different angle about autosurf monitor. Hope to check back every now and then. Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,
I always like an interesting blog. To surf, or not to surf caught my attention even if I was looking for autosurf monitor blogs. Kind of gets my thoughts moving coming from a different angle about autosurf monitor. Hope to check back every now and then. Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Blogger,
I've been out searching for autosurf click program blogs for hours and it was nice to have found yours. Just thought I would check out the post To surf, or not to surf and come up with ideas for autosurf click program. Have a nice day :-)