Monday, May 16, 2005

The Glory of "Free"

Ok, I admit it...I have a thing about "free". I like free. I like free sites, resources and etc. When they are actually free. Don't taunt me with "free" sign up and then tell me that to get any benefit from the site or program I have to pay. That is not free. That is hype, hoyie and nonsense. Give me free. Let me try it out, promote and etc. THEN if I like it, find value, yeah - I will upgrade or buy or purchase something. I have no problem with that at all.

I like free so much I have a number of free sites. My flagship and particular favorite of the free sites is Lots of free stuff here. Free to join, free 15k credits to get you going. Hey, I give away free upgrades every week through the surf contests! Free upgrades via the referral contests. Right now, refer a new member, you get a free upgrade to rotation. Free.

I pay for everything: hosting (a whopping $115 per month JUST FOR THE FREE TRAFFIC SITES!!) not to mention my time, my partners' time, advertising, promotions and etc. All free to members in exchange for what?

The rub here. The annoying greivance that some of the "free" members decide to gripe upon: I get to email you. Yep. That is the big exchange here for free. I, as the owner/admin, am able to send you email (which you agreed upon when joining my sites for free.) I do my best to keep it relevant, but the bottomline is pretty simple: I support my "free habit" sites from sign ups to my affiliate sites, my paying endorsement sites, my other actual "paid" resource sites.

Occasionally a member actually pays for an upgrade or banner or text ads or the pay per clicks. For this I am most grateful. But the majority of the income which actually supports the "free" comes from elsewhere. And, "elsewhere" is what I add to each email to the members. I love free, and love my free members as well. Help me keep the "free" exchange sites that way by:

1. purchasing an upgrade, or items now and then
2. reading admin email
3. joining one of our "paid" marketing sites like or
4. buy one of our "no bounce" email boxes at
5. become an affiliate and sell our "no bounce" email boxes at

Oh yeah, and don't write to me complaining that you are annoyed by receiving admin emails. Just delete your FREE account and be done with

- cherie halliday