* Tangible resources:
Unlike the majority of MLM and other similar opportunity programs, XMaC provides members Tangible goods/service and products. There is no ‘smoke and mirror’ element to the Center. Products are divided into two main categories, a. the auto submitter and b. the value added resources.
* Growing and evolving:
XMaC is constantly adding and improving services for members. When we launched earlier in 2005 we had the auto submitter and upgraded memberships into the Xtream sites. We have added the leads, Ffa submitter, search engine submitter, software downloads, s/pam checker, additional upgrades at other venues and etc. We constantly seek out, find and add to the Center.
* Level earnings:
As of 08-06-05, the concentration is on first level affiliate earnings. This will change as we build membership so that second level and beyond will also earn enough to encourage EVERY ONE to promote the Center and establish long lasting rewards for doing so. Our goal is simple: we want ALL our members earn enough one-time and monthly commissions to make this venue a top promotion priority.
* Payments:
Outside of the practical payment processor minimums, there are no payment minimum. The official policy is to pay commissions monthly. We oftentimes pay these sooner once payment has been verified. This is highly unusual for any venue, especially among the MLM programs. Most venues have a minimum pay out, have a minimum waiting and processing period and etc.
* Free membership:
We have a free 30 day membership starting 08-05. This allows everyone the opportunity to join, use the resources, promote and become familiar with the Center before committing to either a monthly subscription or a life time membership. Do note that we will be changing Life time to annual only soon.
We want you to have paid sign ups, or at least free 30day members who may continue with a subscription. This is what keeps us going, growing and expanding. Once you join, please promote to bring others into the Center.
* Free affiliate option:
Beginning 08-05 I have instated a free affiliate option. This is for those members who are past their initial 30 days and wish to continue as an affiliate to earn commissions. The goal of XMC is for every member to have paid sign ups.
* Just4uu email boxes (http://www.just4uu.com/XtreamNet/index.html ):
Every account is initially gifted with two just4uu email boxes. This allows every member to enroll in the lists with emails other than that which they currently own. The boxes are compatible with all the submitter software and accepted at 98% of the safe lists in the submitter. The other 2% have been contacted and we are waiting on their response to please ‘white list’ us. Just4uu also has an affiliate op.
Should you decide to not continue as a paid member but remain a free member, you
can purchase one or both email boxes via a monthly subscription of only $1 per
box. ($12 annual.)
* Powerpaysurf membership (http://www.powerpaysurf.com/)
Life time members are gifted into pps at the $30.00 level. Beginning 08-05, Executive members are now gifted into the basic $10.00 level. If you are already a paid member at the basic level and an executive at XMC please email me so I can upgrade you to rotation account. This will double your existing membership level. Surf your 100 pages daily to earn. We pay 2.7 times your membership level.
You can market XMC several ways: as a prime opportunity or along side your main ventures. An example of marketing alongside a main venture would be this:
* You belong to Cashflowpc. (http://xtreamnet-cfpc.com/ ) You set your emails up, maybe even a couple of marketing sites. After you say all you have to say about Cfpc, you then add an ‘extra’ line advising your sign ups to market their new affiliate link with XMC (using your link of course.). So, you have marketed your main opportunity AND just added in the possibility of gaining a new member and possible sale at XMC.
Marketing your links, sites, ops and venues will be the most time consuming and probably the most expensive thing you will do.XMC helps you save money on resources while providing you with some of the best marketing venues on the market. Then, as an affiliate earning pportunity, we have set XMC up to reward you in a timely manner for your hard work.
The most important aspect of XMC involves an intangible that is often hard to come by on the Net: integrity. We do what we say we will do, when we say we are going to do it and without excuses. Over the past year, our group, XtreamNet.org and especially our flagship http://www.xtreamsurf.com/, has endured hack ins, major server issues, downtime, changes in script and hosts, false reports to spamcop, and other disruption of business while continuing to pay our affiliates when due each and every time.
This is the hallmark of a good, solid program to invest YOUR time and energy in. I sincerely hope you consider investing your efforts in XMC.
Cherie Halliday
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