Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Marketing with Safe list submitters: Inactive accounts Marketing with Safe list submitters
Q&A Series: Inactive accounts

Q: I keep seeing accounts at the safe lists going “Inactive”. What is going on and how can I prevent this from happening.

A: The most common cause for an account to go “Inactive” is due to email bounce. Keeping your box clean certainly helps prevent this from happening. However, not all bounces are due to a full email box! When you send out an ad from the submitter, that ad is carried to each safe list via the submitter server and your email server. Once it hit’s the safe list server, the safe list checks to see if it is time to submit and ad. If accepted, the ad is then carried via the safe list server and your email server to each members’ email box. There it typically goes through a series of filters before landing in a member’s box.

All this means that at 3 different sets of server must communicate with one another: the submitter, the email and the safe list server. Any blip, wink, loss of communications sends a “not delivered” signal back to the safe list. A safe list cannot determine WHY an email bounced, only that it did. This bounce triggers the “vacation/bounce” feature and your account is then put on hold. The submitter typically interprets a hold as “inactive.”

For the most part, we normally do not have any control over what the servers are doing in the background and whether one server is “talking” to another correctly. And, sometimes this failure to communicate is momentary. If it becomes a chronic problem, the hosts end up checking into what the cause is. In the meantime, this means your accounts at the safe lists become “inactive” and you cannot submit ads to the list until corrected.

Remedy: Go to the “Joined Safe lists” section of your submitter and click on “Vacation Off”. The submitter will then poll the lists, sending the vacation off signal which each will respond to, sending a message back to the submitter. You can view the results in the middle screen in the Joined area.
Cherie Halliday
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