Friday, February 25, 2005

Traffic Exchanges: Part 2b deleting urls

In Part 2a we discussed creating an account and entering in an URL. Here we are going to discuss deleting or removing an URL. Sign onto your XtreamSurf account. In the same section where you saw "add" a URL, you will see an icon for "adding back credits/deleting URL". Push that icon. It brings up the list of sites on a new screen that is on a timer. If you do nothing, it will automatically close after 25 or so seconds.

Once you have this screen brought up, the first thing you want to do is add back your credits by pushing the "add back" credits icon. Wait for it to do this. Then, when the screen comes back, you push "delete". Repeat however many times necessary. Note, you MUST add back credits first. If you push delete without adding them back, you lose those credits.

Also note that you cannot "edit" your sites. If you want to replace a site with something else you MUST add in a new site and delete the old one. Once you add in the new site it goes to Admin for review just as in the first time you added a site in. The system treats every newly added URL as though it were the first time entered in. So, if you add a second identical URL, it will still be handled as the first one: into Admin queue until approved to run on the surf.
by: Cherie Halliday

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